Saturday, March 28, 2009

Little House on a Small Planet by Shay Saloman

Little House on a Small Planet: Simple Homes, Cozy Retreats, and Energy Efficient Possibilities Little House on a Small Planet: Simple Homes, Cozy Retreats, and Energy Efficient Possibilities by Shay Salomon

My review

rating: 5 of 5 stars
I was interested in small houses before I found this book, but now that I'm reading it I am convinced that small houses are the way to go. In the US it seems like having a small house has become a sign of deprivation, and it's hard to get around that mental block or to believe - really believe - that less is more. And having a small house would mean, logically, having less stuff. Less stuff can translate into less time cleaning, more time to do other things, more energy to spend on the activities and the people you really enjoy. Smaller houses may also mean less money in heating and cooling costs, less money on rent or mortgages which means more money to save, travel, or simply the freedom not to work full-time. Small houses are often greener than large ones; smaller footprint, lower energy usage and hopefully a more mindful consumerism, which means less waste.

Small houses. Yeah.

View all my reviews.

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